Classic Car Insurance for 17 Year Olds: Everything You Need to Know

Classic cars are a thing of beauty, capturing the essence of another time. So, it’s no surprise that many young people dream of owning one. However, if you’re a 17-year-old searching for classic car insurance, you might find it challenging to navigate the complex and confusing world of car insurance. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about classic car insurance for 17-year-olds.

Classic Car Insurance for 17 Year Olds

Classic car insurance for 17-year-olds is tailored coverage that provides protection for your classic car. A classic car is usually defined as a car that is at least 20 years old and holds an exceptional value. One of the benefits of classic car insurance is that it can be less expensive than standard car insurance, depending on the circumstances. However, as a 17-year-old, you might find that insurance companies perceive you as a high-risk driver. We’ll dive deeper into how to overcome this challenge later in this article.

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What is Classic Car Insurance?

Classic car insurance is a specialized type of coverage that is designed to protect classic and antique cars. The policy takes into account that classic cars are often maintained differently from modern vehicles and are driven less frequently and over shorter distances. This type of policy typically includes agreed-value coverage and lower premiums, as classic cars are considered less risky to insure. Agreed-value coverage means that you and the insurer agree on the value of your car. In the event of a total loss, you will receive the full agreed-upon amount, without a deductible.

Why is Classic Car Insurance Cheaper than Standard Insurance?

Classic car insurance is typically less expensive than standard insurance because classic cars are considered less risky to insure. Classic car owners are usually more careful with their cars and use them less frequently, which lowers the risk of accidents. Additionally, classic car insurance policies often have strict usage limitations, such as mileage caps and storage requirements. All of these factors contribute to lower premiums for classic car insurance.

How Much Does Classic Car Insurance Cost for 17 Year Olds?

The cost of classic car insurance for 17-year-olds can vary greatly depending on multiple factors, including the type of car, the insurer, and the driver’s record. As a younger driver, you may be considered high-risk, which can result in higher premiums. However, there are ways to reduce your classic car insurance costs, such as having a good driving record, taking a driver safety course, and keeping your car in a garage.

What are the Requirements for Classic Car Insurance?

To qualify for classic car insurance, your car must meet certain requirements. Typically, your car must be at least 20 years old, have historical interest, and be in good condition. Classic cars are also often required to be kept in a garage or other secure location when not in use. Finally, you must have a valid driver’s license and proof of ownership to obtain classic car insurance.

How Can 17 Year Olds Get Cheap Classic Car Insurance?

As a 17-year-old, getting cheap classic car insurance may seem daunting, but it’s not impossible. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Compare Quotes from Various Insurance Companies

The first step in finding cheap classic car insurance is to shop around and compare quotes from various insurance providers. You can do this online or by calling individual companies. Make sure that you’re comparing the same coverage and deductible amounts for each quote.

2. Maintain a Good Driving Record

Having a clean driving record is an easy way to get lower premium rates. Avoid getting any tickets or traffic violations, as these can increase your rates. Additionally, some insurance companies offer safe driving discounts, which can reduce your premiums.

3. Take a Driver Safety Course

Taking a driver safety course is another way to qualify for a discount on your classic car insurance. These courses can make you a safer driver and demonstrate your commitment to responsible driving.

4. Choose a Higher Deductible

A higher deductible means that you’ll pay more out of pocket if you get into an accident. However, it also means that your premiums will be lower. If you’re a safe driver and don’t anticipate getting into an accident, choosing a higher deductible can be a good way to save on insurance costs.

5. Keep Your Car in a Garage

Classic car insurance policies often require that the car be stored in a garage or other secure location when not in use. Keeping your car in a garage can lower the risk of theft or damage, which can reduce your premiums.

6. Consider Bundling Your Insurance Policies

If you have other insurance policies, such as homeowners or renters insurance, consider bundling them with your classic car insurance. Most insurance companies offer multi-policy discounts, which can help you save on premiums.

What are the Benefits of Classic Car Insurance?

Classic car insurance has several benefits, including:

1. Agreed Value Coverage

Most classic car insurance policies include agreed value coverage, which provides a predetermined value for your car. If you have a total loss, you will receive the agreed-upon value for your car, without a deductible.

2. Lower Premiums

Classic cars are considered less risky to insure, which often results in lower premiums compared to standard car insurance.

3. Usage Limitations

Classic car insurance policies often include usage limitations, such as mileage caps and required storage conditions. These requirements help protect your car and can result in lower premiums.

4. Coverage for Restorations and Customizations

Classic car insurance policies may include coverage for restorations and customizations, ensuring that your car’s unique features are protected.

What Factors Determine Classic Car Insurance Rates for 17 Year Olds?

Several factors can determine classic car insurance rates for 17-year-olds, including:

1. Age and Driving Record

Age and driving record are two of the most significant factors that determine insurance rates. Younger drivers are often considered high-risk, which can result in higher premiums. Additionally, having a poor driving record, such as tickets or accidents, can increase your rates.

2. Type of Car

The type of classic car you own can also affect your insurance rates. Some cars are considered more valuable or more prone to accidents, which can result in higher premiums.

3. Usage and Storage

Classic car insurance policies often require that the car be used less frequently and stored in a garage or other secure location when not in use. Keeping your car in a garage or using it less frequently can lower your rates.

4. Location

The location where you live can also affect your insurance rates. Urban areas often have higher rates due to increased traffic and higher rates of theft and accidents.


Classic car insurance for 17-year-olds may seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the tips and guidelines we’ve outlined in this article, you can find affordable and comprehensive coverage for your classic car. Remember to compare quotes, maintain a good driving record, and keep your car in a secure location to reduce your rates. With the right policy, you can protect your classic car and enjoy it for years to come.


1. Can 17-year-olds get classic car insurance?

Yes, 17-year-olds can get classic car insurance. However, they may be considered high-risk drivers and may have to pay higher premiums.

2. What qualifies as a classic car?

A classic car is typically defined as a car that is at least 20 years old and has historical significance or holds exceptional value.

3. How can I get lower rates on classic car insurance?

To get lower rates on classic car insurance, you can compare quotes, maintain a good driving record, take a driver safety course, choose a higher deductible, keep your car in a garage, and consider bundling your insurance policies.

4. What coverage do I need for my classic car?

The coverage you need for your classic car will depend on its value and your specific circumstances. It’s important to discuss your needs with your insurance provider to ensure that you have adequate protection.

5. Can I use my classic car for everyday use?

Most classic car insurance policies have usage limitations, such as mileage caps and required storage conditions. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to ensure that you’re following the policy guidelines.

6. How much does classic car insurance cost?

The cost of classic car insurance can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the type of car, the insurer, and the driver’s record. As a 17-year-old, you may be considered high-risk, which can result in higher premiums.

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